Wales Walking Football Federation, International Executive Committee - WWFFIEC
Posted on 1st March 2023 at 10:03
Message from the Chairman to all Walking Football stakeholders in Wales:
I am delighted to announce that the WWFF International Executive Committee has held its inaugural meeting and accepted into being its Constitution which sets out the following key objectives:
To oversee and supervise the management of all Welsh national representative walking football teams – men’s and women’s
To create a strategy to ensure the development of Welsh national representative walking football teams
To manage external relationships for the benefit of walking football
To promote walking football in Wales and encourage participation in walking football In Wales at all levels
To ensure a duty of care to all members of WWFF
To provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone
To work alongside Wales Walking Football Federation (WWFF) and its Executive Committee in furthering these aims
The aim of the organisation is to engage with clubs, players, coaches, managers and associations to ensure a collaborative approach to the development of the game in Wales, the growth and organisation of our national teams, and their involvement in walking football internationally.
It is recognised that there has been a monumental effort at club and national level and the game in Wales has flourished through the hard work and dedication of all involved thus far, particularly Hedley Austin and Martin Ransom. Our congratulations and great respect to those who have done so much to make this happen is accompanied by the recognition that, to take Wales to the next level, locally, nationally, and internationally, a new level of organisation and professionalism is needed. As we engage with the FAW, international organisations, potential sponsors and internal stakeholders it is recognised that a coherent approach to management, communications, strategy and organisation is essential.
In the coming weeks we will be discussing with key people within Walking Football in Wales, priority areas for development including:
Communication (internal and external)
Management and coaching structures across the men and women’s teams at all age groups
Our engagement with the FAW, IWFF, WFA, etc. where positive discussions are already underway
Decision making within the Executive Committee and how that is informed by, and impacts, all stakeholders in Wales
The establishment of sub-groups that can advise the Executive Committee
Transparency in the operation and finances of the Executive Committee and National Teams
Codes of conduct.
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